top 10 dogs that are best for APARTMENTS
most of the population of medium and large cities live in apartments in addition to influencing your lifestyle we need to consider housing when deciding to adopt a dog and share your life with them dogs need space to develop both physically and cognitively if you want to know the best dog breeds for apartment living we brings you this helpful article.
small brave and simply lovely chihuahuas are one of the best breeds to have in an apartment or flat they're considered the smallest dog breed in the world and clip up to 20 years of age with sufficient care of course they are sensitive to cold and show genetic predisposition to certain diseases such as hydrocephalus epilepsy or herniated discs therefore they require a lot of attention and regular veterinary checkups .
another of the most beloved small dog breeds the Pomeranian or simply Palme is one of the smallest Spitz type dogs developed between Germany and Poland these dogs have always been companion animals so they tend to show of a docile and affectionate character however they cannot tolerate loneliness and can become depressed
regardless of their size whether toy dwarf medium or large the poodle is one of the best-known and most appreciated dog breeds in the world they are active and suitable dogs and according to Stanley Coren they're one of the smartest dogs in the world they require a lot of exercise mental stimulation and affection from the Guardians
4-Jack Russell terrier:
the small size of the Jack Russell makes them ideal for apartment living in addition to their immense courage loyalty and fun-loving character they are also an active and energetic dog which remains in a constant state of alert they are strong willed and require a lot of physical activity and mental stimulation
5-Shiba Inu:
is a small breed and appropriate for apartments they are of Japanese origin but have gained popularity worldwide due to their tender appearance and soft coat however they are often confused with the Akita Inu in any case they have an active and independent character often distrustful of strangers
6-Yorkshire Terrier:
our next dog is one of the most popular small breeds in the UK and across the float they have an energetic and playful personality and despite its length do not lose much of their hair of course we need to remember how important is their socialization period during the puppy stage otherwise they have a tendency towards excessive vocalization
7-the shih tzu:
this canine breed is native to Tibet where it used to perform guard dog functions in Buddhist monasteries something which might be surprising due to their small size these dogs are very sociable and affectionate with their tutors however if their socialization is not sufficient they can become very lives and shy in the presence of strangers they are also active and very
8-the lhasa apso:
the lhasa apso is a dog originally from Lhasa in Tibet and stands out for its long silky and abundant field unlike other breeds in this list which may be adequately described as lap dogs Lassa abso stands out as a somewhat independent animal with a stable and confident nature this does not mean they don't need company and attention from their Guardians and their Origin aiding in Africa in addition to being the oldest dog breed in the world
9-the Basenji :
the Basenji is also the quietest in fact these dogs do not have the ability to emit the classic sign associated with dogs ie barking their main vocalization sounds like a mixture of human laughter and noodling they are a very cam dog with a stable temper and are of medium size they can adapt well to apartment life as long as they have sufficient walks daily physical exercise and plenty of mental stimulation
10-Golden Retriever:
we finish our list of the best department dogs with the golden retriever a breed which will be on many best-off lists their popularity is no coincidence theirs is a noble and balanced character which has made them very popular as both companion and therapy dogs they are long-haired patient particularly good with children which makes them the quintessential family dog they require plenty of physical exercise mental stimulation daily brushing and several doses of affection every day of course
do you have a personal favourite? or want to share your own
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