biggest dog breeds in the world

tiny teacup pups aren't for everyone while their tiny paws may delight some dog lovers there are those out there looking for a little more dog to love but giant dog breeds can be intimidating and of course they'll require more upkeep and a lot more space than a chihuahua  but their large size makes them the best cuddle companions and when well socialized they can become amazing family members here are top 10 iggest dogs in the world.

10-russian black terrier:
 the russian black terrier was created in the ussr before world war ii and was used as a working military dog it is a cross of 17 different dog breeds and is a brainy and highly trainable working dog the height of the males can reach 30
inches at the shoulder and their weight is up to 130 pound they're thick coarse waterproof double coats protect them from freezing temperatures which makes dogs of this breed suitable for colder climates overall the russian black terrier is a
very courageous calm and self-assured dog it has a strong guarding instinct which makes it an excellent watchdog it is very protective of the children at home and gets along well with other smaller pets if they are raised together also they require intensive exercising as they are very active dogs with huge energy and stamina levels but they are quite sedentary when indoors so you can get a russian black terrier even if you live in an apartment they shouldn't be left outside
or crated alone for long periods of time

9-bully kutta:
 the bully kutta is often referred to as the pakistani mastiff but is actually a descendant of an ancient and now extinct pakistani dog called alond it was bred for hunting and fighting and has a strong resemblance to the ancient mesopotamian and central asian war fighting dogs bully coota means heavily wrinkled dog the bully cooter is mainly white but there are other color variations including black brown brindle form and bicolored they are very large dogs that are about 35 inches tall and can weigh up to 210 pound but keep in mind that they drool a lot and take up a lot of space so only adopt a bully cooter if you can ensure that it has sufficient space also it is not the right dog for families with young children this rare dog has very strongest dog breeds in the world also its jaws are incredibly strong and provide a very strong grip as a result of its history of being used for flock guarding and hunting a big game such as bears  tigers and buffaloes its life span is about eight to ten years

8-french mastiff :
this breed is often called the french mastiff or bordeaux mastiff and is recognized as one of the oldest french canine breeds the dog d bordeaux is a very muscular and powerful dog that is not as tall as some of the largest breeds it reaches up to 27 inches but weighs over 150 pounds on average its head is massive and is probably the biggest head in the canine world when compared to body size the dogs from this french breed unfortunately have one of the shortest lifespans of all dog breeds and are expected to live for only five to six years it is come inside but energetic and active outdoors so you will need to ensure it takes daily walks and enjoys some games and play outdoors before getting back home and snoozing on the couch together for the rest of the day

7-newfoundland dog:
unlike many of the other large canine breeds the newfoundland was bred as a fisherman work dog and not a guard dog these huge adorable dogs were used to assist fishermen on boats and could haul lines and nets as well as jump in the water to save
people or restore items that had fallen off the boat the newfoundland is an impressive active water dog that can reach up to 200 to 260 pounds they are in fact still used in search and rescue water operations they are highly intelligent and gentle natured dogs which are usually black in color but can also be gray or brown they look even bigger than they actually are thanks to their thick double coat which is meant to keep them safe and warm even in freezing waters new fountains are incredibly affectionate to their families
and are exceptionally gentle and protective with kids which is why some people refer to them as gentle giants or dog nannies they do require daily walks exercise and training and it is advisable that you ensure a place where they can enjoy an occasional swim to keep them active and happy

6-american pit bull terrier:
the american pit bull terrier is a purebred dog breed recognized by the united kennel club anded bab it is a medium-sized intelligent short-haired dog of a solid build whose early ancestors came from the british isles and also a hybrid of the two american staffordshire terrier the american pit bull terry of their is in size males normally are about 18 to 21 inches in height and around 15 to 27 kilograms in weight females are normally around 17 to 20 inches in height and 13 to 22 kilograms in weight dogs come in all shapes and sizes and the squat muscular pit bull terrier with its sharp row of teeth is more than a little controversial the mortality rate of both genders is the same which is between 8 to 15 years old by nature american pit bull terriers are friendly docile and strong

5-perennial mountain dog:
as you can imagine the size of these canines is quite impressive even though they were bred as companion dogs they are great dogs for rescue work herding and swimming the average height of the males is about 29.5 inches while females are usually about 27.5 inches these dogs weigh about 140 to 150 pounds the leon budger has a striking furry water resistant coat and is quite a robust dog it is brilliant loyal kind and playful which makes dogs from this breed perfect family pets it does shed quite a bit so be prepared for dealing with all that grooming and cleaning if you add a leon budget to your family unfortunately they have a rather low life expectancy of just seven years but for its relatively short life a dog
from this breed will bring pure love and joy to your whole family

4-english mastiff:
 the english mastiff is the heaviest dog breed the heaviest dog from this massive breed named sorber weighed a massive 343 pounds an average mastiff can reach a height of 27 to 30 inches at the shoulder and a weight of 130 to 220 pounds so if you are looking for the biggest dog breed in terms of mass then the definite winner is the english mastiff being bred as a working dog for blood sports such as baiting bulls bears and even lions the size and the mass of this dog are crucial for this purpose back in the roman empire caesar was so impressed by the mastiff when he invaded britain that he reportedly took back a few dogs back home where they were used in lion and gladiator fights but today the large-headed huge mastiff is mostly preferred as a loving and gentle family pet and companion dogs from this breed are also often used as therapy dogs as well as for search and rescue weight pulling and tracking it has a mellow loyal and even tempered nature and is excellent for families with kids who will enjoy playing with their gigantic
friend mastiffs will require daily walks and a lot of training and attention if you want the entire family to feel happy

3-neapolitan mastiff: 
the neapolitan mastiff is not as colossal as the english mastiff but is still a huge and popular dog breed its proportions can reach 130 to 155 pounds for males and up to 140 pounds for females the height of an average neapolitan male mastiff is between 26 to 31 inches their distinctive facial wrinkles as well as their body folds make them easily recognizable neapolitan masters are highly intelligent dogs that are very protective of their families and home which makes them excellent guard dogs but can pose problems if they are not socialized and trained right they are not as reliable as alarms as they tend to be discreet and prefer to sneak up on potential intruders rather than bark the ancestor of the neapolitan mastiff was the roman milosis dog today the dogs from this breed require personal attention and love and should not be left in isolation outdoors because this can lead to destructive behavior they can go well with one long walk per day only and still feel happy overall they are loving and calm animals which make great pets for families with
grown-up children

2-scottish greyhound:
 the scottish greyhound is one of the most ancient hunting breeds in the world it originated from scotland where it was used for red deer chasing and hunting with its long big boned legs and hound-like structure this strong and large dog can easily reach its prey thanks to its amazing speed these dogs are quite tall with a height of up to 32 inches and a weight of up to 110 pounds for males scottish deer hounds look like greyhounds but with coats their long tails hang to the ground and they can have either black or blue noses an interesting fact is that the breed almost became instinct at one point in history when only aristocrats with high titles were allowed to own one thankfully the breed was successfully restored in the 18th and 19th centuries dogs from this large breed are very loyal gentle loving and are very close to their families and friendly with strangers as well they are very good with kids but should be kept away from other animals one of the best features of the scottish deer hound is that it barks very little which makes it a lovely quiet large dog suitable for a family pet

1-great dane:
 the great dane is widely considered as the most giant dog breed and while it is not the
heaviest of the dogs 100 to 120 pounds it is definitely among the highest ones the height of the average great lane is about 28 to 30 inches but it can be taller in fact a dog from this breed named zeus still holds a record as the highest living dog with a height of 44 inches unfortunately as with other giant dogs the lifespan of the great danes is only about six to eight years even though some dogs can live to ten years and older the aforementions is passed away at the age of five from old age in 2014. they were bred in germany from a cross between irish wolfhounds and english mastiffs these giant dogs are friendly to familiar people and other dogs and pets and are especially gentle with children these gentle giants are elegant and noble like creatures which do require a lot of attention training and love but they are people pleasers and will give back all of their affection and loyalty in return

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