humans can
often have misunderstandings
but some of
them go unnoticed to avoid
issues with your faithful friend
you will
have to ask yourself a numberof
questions for example you should know
how adults
think what their basic needs
are or what
things usually bother them
do you want
to know these common
well you're about to find out
- 1. Loud noises and strong odors :
- 2. talking too much and not using body language :
some owners speak to their dogs a lot although that's fine if we speak too much without using gestures or short words that can easily be understood we end up just burdening them dogs prefer that you communicate with them through your body language and when you use short words or signs this helps them during their training
- 3. Scolding them excessively or at the wrong time
perhaps when you're in a bad mood or get angry because your dog has done something you don't like you pass on that anger and negativity still it's important to remember that if you scold your dog randomly are not right after their mishap they will never understand what's going on or what they've done wrong this bothers them a lot and can end up causing stress and even fear.
- 4. lack of routine and consistency
dogs like to have a routine because they feel safer and more relaxed failure to stick to schedules nagging them or giving them inconsistent directions means that your dog will never integrate into your home properly and can remain in a state of stress or discomfort set a schedule for your best friend always offer good care and stick to the same directions and commands then they will never be restless or upset.
- 5. Staring into their eyes
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